Services for Probation

Reducing Costs and Maintaining Public Safety

Technology-supervised probation is a way to reduce costs while maintaining public safety. Estimates from the U.S. Department of Justice show that 1/3 of offenders supervised in the community each year with electronic monitoring would have otherwise been incarcerated.

“Monitoring significantly reduces the likelihood of failure under community supervision.”

–2011 study funded by the National Institute of Justice

Location monitoring technologies provide an additional level of supervision and support to help offenders fulfill the requirements of their release, such as abiding by restrictive orders and curfew requirements.

Monitoring Probationers With SCRAM CAM

A black scram device with the words " continuous alcohol monitoring ".Probationers with an alcohol-related crime or criminal history often have conditions requiring them not to consume alcohol. Probation officers can leverage the SCRAM CAM ankle bracelet and our services to monitor probationer alcohol use on a 24/7 basis.

Probation officers can benefit from SCRAM CAM with:

  • 24/7 offender accountability
  • Integrated alcohol monitoring with house arrest monitoring in one device
  • Reduced workload with exception-based reporting
  • Fully-automated testing–no action required by the client
  • Scientifically-proven and court-validated technology
  • Alerts that can distinguish between environmental and consumed alcohol

Also, SCRAM CAM is the only monitoring technology proven to support long-term behavior change in serious, alcohol-involved offenders.

Parole/Reentry Programs

Old triggers, old associates, and the stress of finding employment, a place to live, and integrating back into their lives–presumably without the negative influences that helped lead to their incarceration to begin with–presents offenders with extraordinary challenges. Home confinement, GPS location tracking, and continuous and remote alcohol monitoring in any combination can be used to assist with reentry, and rehabilitation while holding offenders accountable and helping to keep communities safer.
